Papercut Edge is open for contributions

Papercut Edge is open for contributions

It’s been an interesting go with this blog. I’ve been thrilled with the participation and the growing community here. My post about the value of the PMP garnered 47 comments and a ton of reactions on the web in one day, which says to me that many of you have something to say. After thinking about it for some time, I think I’d like to open Papercut Edge to the community here, to contribute your own articles about the human side of project management.

Basically it’s pretty simple. You submit an original article about one of the following topics, and you’ll get a spot to post your bio, free do-follow links back to your web page, and a spot to put free advertising for your company (included within your article). I’ll create an author account under your name, and you’re free to submit as often as you like. There’s no pressure about sticking to a schedule either…as and when you feel you have something to say, by all means, write it up and submit!

Papercut Edge is primarily about soft skills. There’s lots of sites out there that cover the technical aspects of project management, so I want this site to be different. As such, the following are the topic guidelines for submission:

  • leadership skills
  • tough management problems
  • stakeholder difficulties
  • emotional intelligence
  • motivational case studies
  • negotiation tricks
  • influencing skills
  • understanding and being understood
  • active listening
  • anything else that’s tough to find in a project management book

The offer is open, and I have no plans on closing any time soon (that’s as of today…we’ll see what the response is like). Submit your articles in Microsoft Word format to geoff (at) papercutpm (dot) com.

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I’m a professor of project management at the college where I work. My students continually amaze me with their insights, passion and all-around awesomeness. I figure they deserve access to more answers than I can give them by myself. This site is for them.