Policy for comments at Papercut Edge

Hi, everybody. I wanted to take a moment and let folks know where I stand on comments to my blog.

First and foremost, this blog is about community. I want…no, I CRAVE feedback. I’ve been told I’m a “High I” which apparently means I’m all, “ok enough about me. Tell me what you think…about me.” Okay, seriously, you don’t have to talk about me, although I’ll never discourage that. Talk about the posts. Engage in active discussion. Use this space in a constructive way that will help you, help other project managers, or even just make people think or laugh.

That being said, I don’t want any misconceptions that this space is a free for all for folks to advertise Cialis, penis stretchers, or ways to make millions from home. Without further ado, here is my policy on comments to Papercut Edge.

I do delete spammy comments.1) If you spam this site, I will delete you. It’s nothing personal, just as your spam is nothing personal. If you waste my time, I have zero problems with wasting yours. At least you can’t say we don’t have a reciprocal arrangement.

Relevant links are good.2) If you want to link to other articles, or your own site, and it’s related to whatever babble I happen to be putting forth, please do! Honestly? I have the insight of a pin. Virtually anyone else out there with a pulse is smarter than me. I welcome other blogs and inputs so much, if I think you have something to say, I’ll link you myself!

Spammy links are bad.3) If you want to link to your own site and it’s about your favourite restaurant, getting thousands of followers on Twitter, or the consistency of your stool, there’s a big chance I’ll delete your comment. Likewise, lame and obviously spammy comments like “zomg great post you’re so insightful have you thought about naked hot chicks all the time” with links…I’m sorry dude but you’re headed straight to the garbage bin.

Don't be hateful when leaving comments.4) If you hate my guts and think my ideas are stupid, you stay. Other opinions are completely welcome and encouraged. If you’re even mean about thinking my ideas are stupid, you still get to stay. I figure if you’re that much of a douchebag that you have to publicly piss on me, I’m not too worried about what the other readers will think. HOWEVER. If you want to be a hater and generally dump your crap on other visitors to this blog (i.e., my guests), hate on people because of their race, beliefs, blah blah blah blah anything else I believe is way out of line (constitution be damned, this is my living room), you’re outta here. This is a place for people to feel safe.

I do moderate comments.5) I do use spam filters, and require moderation on all comments. I won’t expose my guests to anything I feel is inappropriate. That means, as a guest, you’ll only be exposed to comments that generally adhere to the above rules. Remember, that does mean I’ll let opinions contrary to yours through, as long as they’re not hateful, spammy or otherwise gross.

Ultimately, I want this to be a space for people to come for advice, help, learning and fun. Anything that contributes, or helps build community is completely welcome. I don’t expect to delete very many comments, to be honest. But I do want to be straight up about WHY I’d do it, both to discourage behaviour I don’t like, and to make people feel safe and welcomed when they come into my home.