Twitterview. Concept vs. Content. Discuss.

Twitterview. Concept vs. Content. Discuss.

Social Media Pioneering

Image by Kamarashev

This is a little off-topic for my usual posts, but today I thought I’d try to encourage some discussion and see what results.

In my last post, I transcribed a Twitterview that Jhaymee Wilson of The Green PM initiated. The actual Twitterview can still be found at #TheGreenPM. This activity was a huge amount of fun for me. That same week I was interviewed four times: once by phone for an article for the PMI website (yet to be published), once by e-mail for a blog, and once for a podcast. But the Twitterview was so incredibly nifty!

However, the Twitterview as a vehicle seems to have sparked some controversy. Shim Marom and Brian Arbauch have posted their comments, and over at Herding Cats, Glen Alleman suggests the very notion of a Twitterview is neither serious nor adult, and implicitly, unfit for use.

Because the concept seems to be the thing under debate (and interestingly, not the actual content), I wanted to use this post as a place to collect people’s thoughts.

For reference, here are some other Twitterviews I’ve been able to find:


    1) A Twitterview creates content. Is the resulting content meaningful? Useful? Actionable?
    2) Part of the controversy seems to stem from a parallel controversial concept, “PM2.0” (here’s an article from Gantthead on PM2.0). Is a Twitterview part of PM2.0 or is a Twitterview a separate thing? Should they be considered separately?
    3) How could you demonstrably measure success of a Twitterview?

Please feel free to speak your mind! Part of any new innovation is to collaborate and kick ideas around. Something I do feel is, social media gives a platform to do just that!

PS: I’m going to try to attract some social media authorities like Scott Stratten, Sharon Hayes, and Chris Brogan and see if we can get their opinions! No promises though, they’re very busy!

I’m a professor of project management at the college where I work. My students continually amaze me with their insights, passion and all-around awesomeness. I figure they deserve access to more answers than I can give them by myself. This site is for them.