Hi guys! As you know, I’ve been swallowed up by university. Who knew it was so much work? I wanted to give you the heads up that I’ll have some interesting stuff for you soon. I recently gave a presentation on the History of Project Management for my reading course. This wasn’t just some fluffy grade school primer about Henry Gantt’s techniques and systems thinking from the 1960s. When I say History, I mean it with a capital “H”.
I went back as far as the Giza Pyramid in Ancient Egypt. Working forward, I covered projects such as The Parthenon, Hagia Sophia, the First Railroad and many, many more. I took a look at these projects through the risk management lens, and performed over 103 qualitative risk assessments on various risk events I was able to identify across twelve major projects that shaped the course of history.
Those of you who remember my cheezy little Panama Canal short know this is a soft spot for me. It’ll take a bit of time to get everything together for you guys, but while you’re waiting, all the slides, along with my findings, are right here for you to take a peek at.
Cheers, hugs, and chat soon!