Five Great Articles about Trust

Five Great Articles about Trust

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”
–Friedrich Nietzsche

I’ve written about trust before. Indeed, it’s something I talk about quite often. I believe trust is one of the most critical components to any successful project implementation. When trust is absent, work progresses slowly, people are unhappy and uncertain, and project risk is heightened. Today’s article is a collection of posts that others have to say on the subject. Give them a read…and lend your own thoughts about trust in the comments section below!


Trust and Trust BuildingHere’s an excellent essay on Trust and Trust Building by Roy Lewicki and Edward Tomlinson of Beyond Intractability. They divide trust into calculus-based (CBT) and identification-based (IBT) categories. It’s a more analytical piece than the others on this list, and discusses the differences in individual propensity to trust, dimensions of trustworthy behaviour, and suggests levels of trust development.


Build TrustwikiHow offers 19 simple tips on behaving in a trustworthy manner, that apply to just about any situation. This piece offers great generic advice that’s true no matter what the circumstances. The header of this article states, “If trust comes by so easily, it is also lost and destroyed by a single moment of breaking and in a fraction of a second, all hope and security can be lost.”


Building Trust in the WorkplaceThe Asian Development Bank has a white paper that discusses Building Trust in the Workplace. Short, concise and easy to read, this paper offers bits on trust as a key leadership competency, and enhancing personal credibility. They even include a great checklist of behaviours by Stephen Covey that lets you rate specific behaviours you observe in others.


In the Post Crisis World, Restoring Trust is Not EnoughRoderick Kramer, in the Harvard Business Review, writes “In the Post-Crisis World, Restoring Trust is Not Enough“. He contends that suddenly becoming more trustworthy is not the same as actively restoring trust. “When we place our trust in someone,” he writes, “we put ourselves at risk. To secure our trust, therefore, it is important that we believe leaders are competent.” Mr. Kramer is a professor of organizational behaviour at Stanford Graduate School of Business.


How to Build a Corporate Culture of TrustLou Dubois of Inc. Magazine discusses the benefits of trust culture, and offers specific steps on how to define your strategy. In “How to Build a Corporate Culture of Trust“, he writes, “the need to build and cultivate solid relationships is vital not only for success but also survival. Solid relationships are built up over time by gaining trust.”

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I’m a professor of project management at the college where I work. My students continually amaze me with their insights, passion and all-around awesomeness. I figure they deserve access to more answers than I can give them by myself. This site is for them.